The Pathway of Smart People of Economy

The Pathway of Smart People of Economy

In 2001, many factors slowed the American economy down. As a result, only 4,100 Americans became millionaires -- on average -- each month. We've slowed down. Right up until 2001, we averaged 51,000 new millionaires per month for 100 straight months.

Add all the lottery millionaires and athlete millionaires. They total less than one in every hundred. Add to this all our new entertainment millionaires and lawsuit millionaires. Still less than one in every hundred.

About 30 do it through the stock market. You might want to put your seat belt on for the next sentence.

No less than 6 of every 10 new millionaires do it through a "home-based effort of 4 or more hours per week." Now you can take that however you want. Numbers don't lie: every month produced on average more than 28,000 Americans become millionaires for more than eighty months. Your brain can't even count the six MILLION new millionaires just between 1992 and 2000. How can we be expected to grasp a thousand new millionaires every single day for two thousand consecutive days?

Yes, take it how you want. "Home-based effort of four or more hours per week." Nine out of every ten people who read this, including you, most definitely CAN find a half-hour per day. God forbid you had to go for kidney dialysis for a half-hour per day. Bet you'd find, whoops, you'd make a half-hour per day, or an hour, or whatever it took to keep you alive, yes?

Each and most all of us already know that you have huge pressures in your life. That's part of life. It's not difficult to imagine how many tasks you have to complete, or at least tackle every day… more often than not for the benefit of someone else, right? If you don't invest five or ten minutes today working on at least one or two of your innermost dreams, you're a fool, because those dreams will always be dreams.

When a dream is put in writing, next to a date, also called a "deadline," it is no longer a dream, however outlandish it may be. It is, by definition, now called a goal. Anything you see and touch started out as something ridiculous or supposedly unachievable. There are no known exceptions. Anyone and anything you admire only came about because somebody gave it at least five or ten minutes per day.

I'm asking you to picture two young women: one's a hooker, the other's feeding her infant and crack habit out of garbage pails and worse. They both invested time each day on seemingly insane dreams of glory and fame. One sang and sold many millions of records, including many #1 hits. The other became the single highest-paid woman in Hollywood. As of this writing, they're both at the top of their fields, and successful in their personal lives. Both have given enormously of their time and wealth to others.

They invested at least a few minutes per day working on apparently ridiculous dreams.

Want expertise in piano/guitar, learn to earn thousands per week or have delicious quality time every single week or day with your loved ones; one fact never changes and you can hardly disagree: when you want something, oops again, when you need something urgently enough, you find the time and other resources to pay that bill, get that surgery, or meet the deadline. Is this true, or not?

Now just because up to ten thousand and more Americans, every week, week after month after year after week move into the $20,000 per week average doesn't mean you have to. You can shoot for less.

How are thousands of education-starved, often semiliterate people become millionaires? Pretty simple. Let's see and decide right now how likely you are to become a millionaire in the next 50 months.

First, very few of them do it "instantly" or even in a couple of months. Very very few. Far more than anything else, they labor four or more hours per week at something NOT necessarily related to their career. The average is 81 months from the start. With shortcuts, you can reduce the time required.

Suffolk County, NY In 1996, 23,000 people in Suffolk County reported to the IRS an annual income of a million or more dollars. Are you paying attention? Have you even heard of Suffolk County?

Guess what? Next door to Suffolk is Nassau County. In 1996, more than forty-three thousand residents claimed million dollar incomes just for that one year alone! Do we need to discuss Boise, Idaho (dozens of billionaires), or Westchester, NY or Marin County or… let's hope you've got the drift.

I wish I could bottle and sell the attitude of desire. Since we know that desire is the gasoline in between a thought and a deed, where both the quantity of the desire and the quality of the desire strictly, mathematically determines the quality and quantity of that gasoline, there can be no greater knowledge of a shortcut than the simplest knowledge of knowing precisely what one wants... and why. When there is a sufficient "why," we invariably find the "how."

The Holiday Inn chain of motels and hotels was born in the deepest throes of America's Great Depression by a man named Wallace who persistently turned lemons into lemonade. He is only one of many who become wealthy during recessions or depressions because people like Wallace simply understand the simple: that the economy is not a question of adjusting to circumstance; rather, changing circumstance to effect their own personal economy.

It's your decision. The Pathway of Smart People is specifically geared towards helping you accelerate your results dramatically AFTER you have made the decision to clearly identify what you most want, and why you want it.

No one says you have to become a millionaire, or even a master; simply that you double whatever and wherever you now are. That is the crook and crux of the Pathway of Smart People of masters and millionaires.

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