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Enjoy and engage the healthiest website on the planet,
where you are reminded: more air, water,
more unheated salt, which is AIR-DRIED sea salt,
and more oil, never heated much at all in the processing,
where YOUR health and wealth are addressed in detail
by the single most well-read human in history,
averaging a book or two per day for more than sixteen thousand days.
The brilliance is NOT found in MisterShortcut's prolifically eager mind;
it is found in his discoveries and studies of the best thinking,
and, much more importantly, the best results of all time.
based on the best role models around us all,
because those who do it better
have a great tendency to know better.
based on the best role models around us all,
because those who do it better
have a great tendency to know better.
based on the best role models around us all,
because those who do it better
have a great tendency to know better.
In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
Complementary medicine and remedies at the Pathway of Smart People, with 1,000,000 unique web pages
© EasyStreet, USA by Mister_Shortcut for the Healthiest Websites Zen and Pathway of Smart People
All rights
reserved for those who feed starving humans.
For now, you can feed people with a free click
and his most ardent student, known to many as Mister_Shortcut
Hard to fully thank the unlimited generority of Mr. Paul Newman, who sloooowllllly earned
hundreds of millions of dollars in his years... and used it all to feed people.
The Pathway of Smart People is a huge part of the largest creation of all time.
It is doubtful that this world record will ever be beaten, or that anyone will ever create a larger,
true personal website,
wherein a third of a million web pages will be created and uploaded to over a thousand separate websites.
The Pathway of Smart People is far too large to be able to list all of its subjects and features on one page, or even a dozen.
It really is that large. It is not alphabetically indexed because the Pathway of Smart People, far more than a reference,
is a state of mind and attitude, where focus and resolution take precedence over complaint and blame.
Everything comes down to "Okay, how do we fix this, based on previous successes?"
How we even begin to provide a list of everything contained within so many tens of thousands of carefully crafted pages? covered at The Pathway of Smart People are: healing naturally, naturopathic medicine, acoustic cardiograph,
naturopathic alternatives to medicine,
because helping people to help themselves is why the Healthiest Websites Zen exists, naturally.
TEACH YOURSELF AT LEAST 3 NEW FACTS PER DAY. No need to be hyper-complicated.
You might start with acoustic cardiograph,
and then move into QRA or any of a hundred other related topics.
The Healthiest Websites Zen invites you to learn more to improve the likelihood of your living more. Living naturally is as natural as natural can be.
Learn about naturopathic practitioners, and plenty more.
Throughout the Pathway of Smart People you can find information on so many naturopathically-related subjects, not least of which are arenas pertaining to energetic medicine, also called bio-energetic science.
There is so much you can absorb, from the tips of drinking more water, ingesting more air-dried sea salt and never-heated oils, and fiber,
a wealth of knowledge on most everything natural, including this page on acoustic cardiograph,
just for starters.
The Healthiest Websites Zen even looks at aromatherapy,heart relief,best naturopathic doctors, naturopathy, healthiest website.
including better nutrition through detoxification and maintenance, naturopathy and Ayurvedic Medicine, bodyscans, BodyScan2010, Rife technology and several of the better upshots and development in the bioenergetic medicine field, which continues to move faster and more productively than the pharmaceutical efforts of the past five decades.
From Ondamed and Bodyscan to the almost-as-good QXCI (Quantum Xroid Consiciousness), there is a growing body of evidence that bioenergetic medicine, a fancy term for using electrical impulses,
continues to outstrip the invasiveness of surgical or pharmaceutical intervention. We are looking at the wave of the future beginning in these early decades of the new millennium, and it's exciting.
The Healthiest Websites Zen, and much more. Acoustic Cardiograph Effective Naturopathic and Homeopathic Alternative to Conventional Medicine Approach. Best naturopathic doctors practitioners USA America. Acoustic cardiographs. More Americans turn to less expensive, less invasive alternatives, such as naturopathic and homeopathic remedies.
Accurate heart measurements with no drugs or surgery, little waiting.
With so many useful subjects covered, the Healthiest Websites Zen is surely the largest naturopathic website. acoustic cardiograph,Healthy medicine, which might be used as a result of some findings of the acoustic cardiograph,
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virtually erasing a range of issues using naturopathic alternative remedies techniques methods, acoustic cardiograph. Living longer better,acoustic cardiograph, natural healing.
The Pathway of Smart People clearly advocates homeopathic and naturopathic medicines and remedies.
The Pathway of Smart People intends for you to live younger longer by providing best health tips. As you can see, MisterShortcut has no shortage of things to say about living stronger and healthier for longer, herbal medicine, healing naturally, bodyscans NY, top doctors of natural medicine, acoustic cardiograph,
electro-meridian imaging,oxygen therapy Brooklyn NY, chiropractic alternatives, Bodyscan2010, herbal cures, aromatherapy, pain relief, healing naturally, Dr David Cohen, America's premiere naturopathic doctor,Healing naturally with naturopathy using the advanced methods, remedies, and technologies we have today, from Ondamed and the Bodyscan2010 to friendlier, non-invasive information devices such as the acoustic cardiograph device.
Learn more in order to live more, at the Pathway of Smart People and the Pathway of Smart People,
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Even better, the Pathway of Smart People and the Pathway of Smart People creations,
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That is what these healthy wealthy websites are all about, and, beyond all seeming possibility,
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crafted for your success by Mister-Shortcut, for You