Mr-Shortcuts welcomes you to the world's most exciting website.
The Pathway of Smart People is HUGE -- tap any keyboard character to fly off to another Mister Shortcut website of empowerment and EyeCandy

7,500,000 links AND pages - all from a single pair of hands - thanks to the skills and perspiration and occasional talent - - - of so many good and great hungry people who did it better than I. Hotlink #332,434 to Masters and Millionaires  site Number 477

Welcome to the biggest website you'll likely ever visit,
empowered by high-speed shortcuts of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.

More than a thousand websites from one pair of hands - with no interest in profit -
for the purpose of solving world hunger.  

By the time you have found all twenty of the hotlinks on this page,
you are likely to have found the enormous rewards offered herein

Millions of unique pages, for you... free for as long as you are alive.    Feed a hungry kid today.

More Masterlinks to shortcuts and PowerGems  Ah, you've found Masters Millionaires  Hotlink Number 7,777 - how's THAT for a round number?

Your free clicks make you a hero of the Pathway of Smart People  
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Let's not enjoy the Pathway of Smart People too much, hm?
Whatever pleasure the EyeCandy and PowerGems may bring,
and whether or not the Pathway of Smart People is the prettiest empowerment site we'll soon see,
NOTHING IN LIFE can be more important than you actually using useful information that you encounter.
Whether you get your primary information at the Pathway of Smart People or the Healthiest Websites Zen,
or from the hundreds of thousands of useful sources of information quickly available to you,
keep in mind that second and third opinions are like the math problems we did in school.

If you solve a math problem twice and get a different answer the second time,
you do the problem a third time to make sure you get a corect answer.
So too with great information. Get second and third opinions,
and then use the great mind inside of you to decide yourself.

You ARE worth the effort, let's explore how to accelerate your results,
by using more of your resources more times each. Most shortcuts are quite free.

Welcome to the largest empowerment website on the internet

Ask more people more times each

Learn more in order to live more, at the Pathway of Smart People.
Designed and created with great affection for your untapped potential.
Brought to you by the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 

These are the best shorcuts and shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the best shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and without a doubt YOUR best shortcuts to succeeding.

Enjoy. It's all here for your life.

Cold Cure     100grand     Computer Shortcuts 2     Dream dare     Doctors     Doctors 2
Focus     Free Power     Critics     Doctors     Minute     Failure     Sock   Hunger
Iceberg     Important     Last Ruby     Guess     Lovely    Masters     Med Destiny
Minute     Missions     Mousetoy     Table of Contents
Page 22     Piano     Power     Popcorn Thinking     Psoriasis     Critics
Desire     Science     Write     Willm Blythe     Write     Wantmore
Viola     Who     Moving     Naysayers    Shorcuts     Shortcuts
DreamDare     Ruby 2     Pay Yourself     Science     Ask Right
Computer Shortcuts 1     Satisfaction     Health    Write
Ruby 3    32000     Pareto     Viola     Current     Shortcuts V
Reach     at 14    
Hopeless     Hugs

The Pathway of Smart People Is Not Your Accident

Excellence cannot happen by accident.

If you are waiting for your ship to come in,
you are waiting for a boat that will not arrive.
Even those who win lotteries tend to lose in the end.
Sorry, but it's true: EACH lotto millionaire that we trace,
with ZERO exceptions so far, is either dead or in jail or sorry.
Did you know this? Do the research yourself. Lottery winners lose.
Stop waiting for what has already arrived and been put on your plate.
Each day contains the opportunities that most appeal to your great desires.
If you are not looking in the correct place, how can you expect to locate them?
Begin by deciding you will not major in minors anymore, because your excellence awaits.
When you recognize the Pathway of Smart People, the Pathway of Smart People recognizes YOU.
As revolutionary as some PowerGems may seem to you, you will prove to be familiar with some.
Some of these PowerGem shortcuts you knew as a child, others will be brand-new to you.
PowerGems in both groups prove that what you know is means less than what you do.
All great coaches, all great sources of information, wait for the student to act now.
The Pathway of Smart People is waiting just as your inner voice is also waiting.
How about a list of the five things you most need to do? Oh, you know them?
Then you must know more than masters and millionaires and champions,
because each of them knows not to greet the dawn without a map.
Engage your own approach to the Pathway of Smart People,
because the Pathway of Smart People is in you already.
Make today a better day by reaching out for more...
while reaching IN for more to make it better.